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ABOUT ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council)

由WWF (世界野生动物基金会) 及IDH (可持续贸易联盟)创立的具有国际影响力的独立非盈利性组织。

Founded in 2010 by WWF and IDH (Dutch Sustainable Trade Initiative) the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) is an independent not for profit organisation with global influence.


ASC aims to be the world’s leading certification and labelling programme for responsibly farmed seafood. The ASC’s primary role is to manage the global standards for responsible aquaculture, which were developed by the WWF Aquaculture Dialogues.

迄今为止,ASC 已分别为鲍鱼 (Abalone)、双壳类 (Bivalves)、鲶属 (Pangasius)、三文鱼 (Salmon)、罗非鱼 (Tilapia)、淡水鳟鱼 (Freshwater Trout)及虾 (Shrimp)发布了共7个养殖标准,并通过与MSC共享产销监管链标准保证了ASC产品从认证鱼场到最终消费者之间的可追溯性。

Hitherto, ASC has issued 7 separate standards for the aquaculture of Abalone, Bivalves, Pangasius, Salmon, Tilapia, Freshwater Trout and Shrimp. By sharing the Chain of Custody standard issued by MSC, ASC also makes it’s possible to guarantee the traceability of ASC product from certified farm to final consumer.




Aquaculture has the potential to contribute to this global demand. It is the fastest growing animal food producing sector; over 50 per cent of seafood produced for human consumption comes from fish farms. However, as the sector grows so does its impact on the environment and local communities.


ASC certified farms demonstrate that they are well managed and minimise adverse environmental and social impacts. As an aquaculture farm, investing in the ASC programme will help you to:


Strengthen your position in existing markets and tap into new markets.


Enhance market value through greater credibility within the industry and among consumers.


Adopt industry best practices (e.g. through efficient use of feed and the better control of disease) to promote competitive advantage as an industry front-runner.

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