

价格:1880 2022-02-03 11:24:01 322次浏览

Nations Begin Direct Talks With Taliban


A handful of countries have admitted they're in talks with the Taliban to safely evacuate the rest of their people from Afghanistan as well as Afghans who want a way out.一些国家承认他们正在与塔利班谈判,以撤离阿富汗的外国侨民和许多希望出国的阿富汗人。India's ambassador to Qatar met with a representative of the Taliban in Doha on Tuesday.印度驻卡塔尔大使周二在多哈会见了塔利班的一名代表。The Indian foreign ministry said the meeting was set up after a request from the Taliban side.印度外交部表示,这次会议是应塔利班方面的要求而举行的。Their discussions focused on "safety, security and the early return of Indian nationals stranded in Afghanistan," as well as,"the travel of Afghan nationals" wishing to visit India.

他们讨论的重点是“、保障和被困在阿富汗的印度公民早日回国”,以及希望访问印度的“阿富汗公民的旅行”。India also raised concerns that, quote, "Afghanistan's soil should not be used for anti-Indian activities and terrorism in any manner."印度还表示担心,“阿富汗的土地不应该以任何方式被用于反印度活动和恐怖主义。”The Taliban representative reportedly said these issues would be positively addressed.据报道,塔利班代表表示,这些问题将得到积极解决。This is the first time India has publicly acknowledged such a meeting since the Taliban returned to power.这是自塔利班重新掌权以来,印度首次公开承认这样的会议。Meanwhile, the British government said on Tuesday that it has sent the prime minister's special envoy to Qatar to meet the Taliban.与此同时,英国政府周二表示,已派遣首相特使前往卡塔尔会见塔利班。The Taliban group has had full control of the airport in Kabul, since US troops completed their withdrawal.

自从美军完成撤军以来,该组织已经完全控制了喀布尔的机场。The foreign minister of Qatar, which has built ties with the Taliban, said his country will continue talks to support airport operations.与塔利班建立了关系的卡塔尔外交大臣表示,他的国家将继续谈判,以支持机场运营。"We feel that the issue of reopening the airport is one of the most important issues for Afghanistan in order to achieve one thing the Taliban had previously promised,“我们认为,重新开放机场的问题对阿富汗来说是重要的问题之一,以实现塔利班之前承诺的一件事,which is the freedom of movement."这就是行动自由。”

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