

价格:面议 2023-04-03 01:18:44 331次浏览



1.OpenAI,在美国成立的人工智能研究公司,核心宗旨在于“实现安全的通用人工智能(AGI)”,使其有益于人类。 OpenAI于2015年由一群科技,包括山姆·阿尔特曼(Sam Altman)、彼得·泰尔(Peter Thiel)、里德·霍夫曼(Reid Hoffman)和埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)等人创办。

2. ChatGPT(全名:Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer),美国OpenAI研发的聊天机器人程序,于2022年11月30日发布。ChatGPT是人工智能技术驱动的自然语言处理工具,它能够通过理解和学习人类的语言来进行对话,还能根据聊天的上下文进行互动,真正像人类一样来聊天交流,甚至能完成撰写邮件、视频脚本、文案、翻译、代码,写论文等任务。

3.NOA 自动辅助导航驾驶(Navigate on Autopilot),也有人叫导航辅助驾驶或领航辅助功能,本质意思是把导航和辅助驾驶结合。相比于传统的自适应巡航功能,NOA功能的特点是能够自主判断驶入、驶出高速的时机以及自主判断超车的时机,并实现自动变道超车而不需要人为干预(据车主反馈,内测阶段仍需驾驶员手动打转向灯确认)。

4.tourist attractions 旅游景区5.nighttime consumption 夜间消费6.sketch 小品7.bureaucratic inaction 官僚主义不作为8.disregards public grievances 漠视群众疾苦

9.looking for glorified excuses 找些冠冕堂皇的理由和借口10.CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) 中纪委11.to get to know the sufferings of the masses, and be proud of serving the people12.以担当做事为荣、以为民服务为乐13.the release of footage 公布视频

14.reckless driving 危险驾驶15.facing criminal charges 面临刑事指控16.the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) 国家发展改革委17.the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region 京津冀协同发展18.spatial layout and economic structure 空间布局和经济结构

19.infrastructure connectivity 基础设施互联互通20.an innovation-led modern economic system 创新引领的现代化经济体系21.productive factors and resources will flow in an independent and orderly manner 要素资源自主有序流动22.网红博主 live video streaming host23.to top the trend charts 成为全网热搜

24.news release 通报25.went viral 迅速流传26.a wild animal under second-class national protection 国家二级保护动物27.to be slated to 按照计划应做某事28.mass shootings 大规模枪击事件

29.to be deeply ingrained 根深蒂固30.the Associated Press 美联社31.indigenous culture 本土文化32.the late Queen Elizabeth II 已故女王伊丽莎白二世33.a charging and swapping infrastructure system 充换电基础设施

34.charging piles 充电桩35.to generate a lot of buzz引发热议36.to instantly produce increasingly sophisticated written content 迅速生成越来越复杂的书面内容37.the Fitch Ratings惠誉(评级机构)38.official figures 官方数据

39.outbound group tours 出境团队游40.booking services 预订业务41.lingering global headwinds 依旧存在的全球性不利局势42.the World Economic Outlook 《世界经济展望》(国际货币基金组织的重要年度报告)43.the World Tourism Organization 世界旅游组织

44.WFH 在家工作(work from home)45.a giant panda research and breeding facility 大熊猫繁育基地




Construction milestone for China's first deep-sea floating wind power platform


China's first deep-sea floating wind power platform, invested in and built by the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), has completed its floating body assembly, Tuesday's edition of Science and Technology Daily reported.


It marks an important step in the construction of the world's first offshore wind power project with a water depth of over 100 meters and an offshore distance of over 100 kilometers, said the newspaper.


The platform will be installed in an offshore oil field 136 kilometers from Wenchang, in China's southern island province of Hainan -- where strong winds and big ocean waves posed a huge challenge to the design of the wind power platform.


According to the newspaper, after the project is put into operation, the electricity generated by the turbine will be connected to the power grid of the offshore oilfield group for oil and gas production, with an annual power generation capacity of 22 million kilowatt hours -- saving 7.73 million cubic meters of fuel gas and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 22,000 tonnes.


Li Nan, a senior researcher with the CNOOC, said that floating wind power has broad application prospects. It can be used not only for local consumption and power supply for offshore facilities, but also to develop marine pastures, seawater hydrogen production, marine tourism and marine mineral resources.



电力装备绿色低碳发展 green and low-carbon development of electrical equipment

海上风电场 offshore wind farm

能源供给体系 energy supply system

可再生能源 renewable energy

能源绿色低碳转型 green-oriented transition of energy

能源科技创新 energy technology innovation


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