深圳朝先化工有限公司集应用技术和原材料供应为一体,致力于氟碳树脂、电镀银浆VMP和电镀银树脂在涂料油墨里的应用研究和销售。凭借多年的研发和销售经验,我司可为客户提供配方研发、原材料供应、涂料油墨生产的“一站式”服务。公司秉承“诚信、专业、服务”的宗旨,为国内外油墨涂料界同仁提供出色的产品和服务。主要产品:氟碳树脂,电镀银树脂,电镀银浆(VMP),镜面油墨和镜面漆原材料,助剂,固化剂和特殊化学品。深圳朝先化工有限公司将成为您值得信赖的化工原材料供应商!ShenZhen Chiu-sen Chemicals Co., Ltd, are the specialized chemical raw material supplier of Coating, Paint and Printing Inks. Our main business include Aluminum Paste,VMP, Organic Pigment,and Resin, which was made in China.With good experience in the researching and sales in the recent years, we also develop the new type resins of Fluorocarbon resin and mirror-effect printing ink resin, adding with other materials, we can supply the “one-stop” service for you for the Special ink and coating.We hope we will be your trustable business partner of chemical raw materials in the near future in China.