

中山市文塑五金制品厂是脚轮、脚杯、精益管配件、流水线滚筒、等产品专业生产加工的公司,拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。中山市文塑五金制品厂的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。Zhongshn city, plstic hrdwre products fctory is n enterprise specilizing in e production of vrious types of csters, type more qulity, novel styles.

The compny constntly refer to domestic or interntionl dvnced production equipment, e ltest technology, using e best mterils to ensure cster nd flexible, convenient nd durble, in different occsions wi wer-resistnt, impct resistnce, chemicl corrosion resistnce, good low temperture resistnce, high temperture resistnt, driving wheel printing, protection, nd e performnce of smll noise floor.

The compny's products re widely used in vrious industries, e best-selling domestic nd foreign mrkets, e yield nd qulity in e sme industry leding position.

The compny cn lso ccording to e diverse needs of users, design nd provide chep nd fine form complete set of specil products, we sincerely invite friends from ll wlks of life to visit nd business negotition.


    • 价格:¥面议
    • 2019-08-29
    • 价格:¥面议
    • 2019-08-29
    • 价格:¥面议
    • 2019-08-29
    • 价格:¥面议
    • 2019-08-29
    • 价格:¥面议
    • 2019-08-29
    • 价格:¥面议
    • 2019-08-29
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